I’ve concluded that the only way to ensure that Abbecombec is managed properly and developed responsibly and that the common lands, the marshes and beaches, and the natural beauty those provide that makes it such a special place are preserved for the future is to buy it, or better yet find someone to buy it who has the means and desire to do so.
Thus I need an ‘angel,’ an investor not interested in making gobs of money, but instead committed to owning and preserving this special place as a legacy for future generations to enjoy. There is a good chance of making a good chunk of any investment back in time, and even turning a profit, but the main goal you must have is to make this place the best it can be, and ensure its preservation for the future. That will be our legacy to create together.
You, that is any investors who step up, will of course pick whatever site you wish and create a lot for your own home and live there, or visit as often as you care to and enjoy all its many delights. I’ll do all the heavy lifting on planning, hiring, overseeing and executing whatever needs to be done.
More details on my vision for this Shangri La will be detailed henceforth…but here are some key links to check out:
I know you’re out there…we just have to find each other…
Please share widely!
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